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American Custom Private Security, Inc. (ACPS) serves its commercial, corporate and government customers by providing high quality security services within their budgetary, regulatory and public relation parameters. ACPS provides our customers with unarmed and armed Security Officers, basic and advanced patrol services, alarm response, fully integrated patrol with on-site security staffing solutions, and a variety of Consulting options. Our focus is to provide you, the Client, with a variety of options to best customize security solutions and fully address your unique protection needs.
ACPS management continues evaluate and to update our service offerings:
Basic Mobile Patrol coverage includes periodic site inspections of the exterior of the premises.
Advanced Mobile Patrol coverage includes Basic coverage and options for door checks, interior foot patrols, opening/closing coverage, and alarm response.
Alarm Response coverage is offered for Clients needing response by a Mobile Security Agent to meet their insurance or Local Agency requirements.
Integrated Mobile Patrol and dedicated On-site Officer coverage options combine these services for better use of resources and positive fiscal impact on your Security Budget.
Security Consulting, Operational Audits, Physical Security Surveys, Risk/Threat Assessments, Fire-Life-Safety Program review and implementation, along with Disaster Preparedness Services are offered to our current Clients, new Customers, and as a method of
Secure Solution option integrates customized security features and services to best optimize your protection coverage and Security Plan design.
American Custom Private Security, Inc. (ACPS) approaches protection of your people and assets as a combination of Best Practices, skilled Security Agents, and integration of technology and support systems seamlessly optimize the level of security provided to our Clients. It allows customization of your Security Plan for cost-effective value.
This differs from the current practices many other Security Providers. ACPS’s clients get peace of mind and the true value based on our approach of personal service, on-going engagement, and prompt follow-up by our support Team.
ACPS approaches protection of your people and assets by providing a variety of security services, which may be selected separately, used in combination or customized to meet your specific security needs. It is your choice. Securing our Customers’ premises need not be complicated nor tedious.
The Best Solutions are generally straight forward, simplified for more consistent application, and based on our mutual discussions, focus and identification of what is best for your unique operational needs. This may be one or more of our services, addition of technology and systems support, and use of the proven Industry Best Practices to maximize results. Topped off with our hands-on approach to customer service and in understanding your Corporate culture, so we can adapt seamlessly over time.
The hands-on approach means just that. We will communicate in an on-going manner, provide feedback, and work to mitigate incidents and provide consistent service delivery. This level of commitment is generally very different from your experience with the large Security Providers and allows for a more satisfying business relationship. A well-designed Security Program is developed, well-communicated to all parties, updated periodically, and always evolving-never stagnant.
The scope of services can be fully integrated in our Secure Solution Option, which is offered for Clients wanting the best for their Security Plan design and implementation.
The Department of Home Land Security (DHS)
The Department of Defense (DOD) at a cleared location
Retail Industry
Armed Financial Institution Protection
Hydro and infrastructure power plant facilities
Malls and Shopping Centers
Warehouse and Distribution centers
Inter-modal facilities
Food Processing Plants
Major maintenance and construction sites
Hotels and Leisure Industry
High-profile events
Manufacturing Facilities
Cannabis dispensaries Armed or unarmed services
Hospital and Medical Services

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